falt code p0315

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by harveym3, Aug 15, 2016.

  1. p0315 crank shaft position system variation not learned .what could it be it's got a new cam position senser on the gear box ??
  2. You got a SMF by any chance?
  3. yes mate it dose ?
  4. That'l be why then! all the SMF's i know of throw the code unless its mapped out (apart from the euro 3 ones). ITs down to the ecu processing the gap between the teeth rather than counting them. Your only option really is to have it mapped out or carry round a code reader with you to wipe it when it happens!
    I did read somewhere that you can alter the gap between the sensor and flywheel which may help but havent really looked into it.
    At the moment i'm trying to stiffen up the engine mounts to see if the reduced movement of the engine will help to stop it, early days so far but touch wood i havent had the light come on again yet (2days so far!) although it was random on my car it would sometimes go for weeks/ months with no code.

    I have also read that if you take the car up to the revlimit and leave it coast in gear it can help the ecu "learn" the spacing etc, although i didnt have any luck when i tried it!
  5. I've just read about filling the senser to move it over about 1mm but I'm not 100%

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