Hey all, just wondering if anyone knows how these are fitted from factory, I.e with clips only, mixture of clips and glue etc? Tried pushing this in and won’t stay. Both panels are not going to fall off and are well and truly on, but just wanted to get these put back in properly. Pics below, cheers
Looks like white plastic clips. Don't think it will be glued. It wraps underneath the cill and is fixed there also.
Ah cheers. I’ll check the other side as that side is in fine to see what’s different underneath. Do you know about the wheel arch one too? It’s just popped out so there’s a slightly bigger gap than the other side but we’ve tried pushing on it and tried using a trim tool to push the other part inside and push at the same time and nothing. Don’t wanna have to go to Renault really lol but will if needs must
Yeah the previous owner had to take it back to the dealer a few times due to bodywork clips so I’d imagine this is what he had problems with too. I’ll see what Renault will do about it as they should do this free right? I mean it’s not been hit or purposely pulled on. Car is only 4 and a half years old too
Haha I’ll see what they say. I’ll keep pushing as it’s a defect rather than from some kind of impact. Gotta see what’s wrong first cuz it may be a plastic clip broken, or may be just out. Cheers for the replies all!
I've had to replace a load of clips on one of my door mouldings as it was loose. Here's the clips you need: - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RENAULT-...e=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 The difficulty is getting the old clips out. I broke some and the broken bits just ended up inside the body of the car somewhere, but there are ways of removing them properly.
Ah thanks mate much appreciated. Gonna have a look on the weekend if I get chance to see what the craic is. Hoping it’s just the one that needs replacing! The wheel arch piece is still 1 or 2 mm too high though and I have no idea how to get that one down