Has anyone done this? The oil filter is in a really crap location and I have seen other cars fit a plate with flexible oil pipes coming off it and connecting to a 'floating' oil filter. This seems like an idea solution but is it?
This was an idea I was considering a few months ago, I bought the sandwich plate but ended up deciding not to use it. Was also thinking about doing away with the oil / coolant exchanger at the same time and running a oil only radiator. Sure there are kits available for moving the oil filter housing, but where would you want to put it?
I considered it when I fitted my oil radiator, but as big uno says, couldn't really find anywhere useful to relocate it to, so just added a sandwich plate. When I do battery relocation, maybe then I'll look again at relocating the oil filter into the space created.
Ridiculous place for the filter..Just enough room to reach it from underneath, with a fkn Rad house directly under it. Had to remove it the old fashioned way..by ramming a screwdriver through it! Couldnt get my filter clamp round it with the comedy tight space its in.
I moved my battery and that was exactly what I was thinking, might go for it in the winter, too busy trying to get mine back on the road now Would be really interested to see if anybody has moved it though.
i use these and have no trouble removing it https://www.screwfix.com/p/hilka-pr...gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CLKwgeWBldsCFSgh0wodBeYFqQ
I use one of these, i also use it for my job used it at least 100 times this year alone https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Laser-28...284443&hash=item48a8f8a0aa:g:NlkAAOSw7NNUJnPT