1. Hi Guys, I was gunna get a aftermarket exhaust, so I rang up my insurance (1st central) and they basically said it’s not in their policy to insure modifications. So if I was to put a after market exhaust on it wouldn’t be insured. Can anybody recommend a good insurance company that will insure modifications?
  2. Mines insured through Greenlight, been with them for the last 5 years, no problems with declared mods, I've got loads on mine.
  3. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    sky insurance
    adrian flux
    keith michaels
  4. Always gone with sky insurance. Mods like you wouldnt believe with my old starlet turbo. Mods are what they like
  5. Another one for Greenlight. Good mods policy and track cover included as well.

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