Exhaust V Intercooler.......

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Y2 KMC, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. Hello all,

    I have had my R26 just over a year now all that I have done is the air box mod and changed the air filter to ITG.
    I have around £800 to spend on the cars performance what do I do a remap and Intercooler or remap and exhaust. Any other options fire away but I'm trying to gain more bhp than anything else.


    Per Ardua.
  2. Remap and intercooler, back box chop for £50ish if you want noise.

    For £800 though if you can save a bit more...

    remap £349ish
    decat £149 second hand one on here
    intercooler £450

    total - £950 worth another month of saving :wink:
  3. Fitting the decat......
  4. Rs tuning quoted me around that figure for 630cc injectors decat and map inc fitting. So shouldn't be far off that tbh. Otherwise it's and afternoon of fun :wink:
  5. Don't need intercooler if not tracking, saying that some guys track theirs on stage 1 with standard cooler si I'd go exhaust and remap
  6. Intercooler will help no matter what. Standard cooler can hit high 50's on the road.
  7. Disagree with that Steve. The intercooler is absolute horse shite on the meg.

    Cooler + Map.
  8. Track Focus Direct

    Track Focus Direct RSM Trader

  9. Cal


    Exhaust will give a better BHP on the dyno.

    Intercooler will probably sustain a better BHP if you're giving it some for more than a few seconds!
  10. this. I ve banged on about this so much. We had 3 stage 1 r26 on tdf dyno, only mine had a 60mm intercooler. Mine maintained bhp run after run. The std one's peaked on run 1 and lost bhp run after run. Bearing in mind thats one run, in one gear. On the road 0-100 the heat soak on the std unit is unreal.

    With my 60mm i barely saw 4deg above ambient when full throttle, think peak was about 6-7deg above ambient on track. When i had the std unit it would spike 30 odd degrees in like 30secs!

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