250 Engine splutters out once started

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by nated84, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. When I insert my key card, press the start engine button the car fires but then splutters and stops.

    I press it again and then it is fine. Only happens when car has been stood for over 8hours.

    Any suggestions what this could be?

  2. Mines started doing this, this week. Had a new stat fitted friday, and i regapped me plugs saturday. So im assumin its the plugs for me. Only doing it in the morning thou, after work is fine.
  3. Mine happens when I've left it a good 8 hours or more. Heard that could be a common issue and a remap would sort it as due to the fuel pump. But not exactly sure.

    Only happens once and then once warm and driven a few minutes seems fine.
  4. Did you search the forum? I seem to remember somebody having a similar issue where it turned out to be a small fuel pipe leak so the system would lose pressure overnight..
  5. Mines remapped, and never stalled out once till the last few days
  6. I have searched the forum but couldn't find anything.

    Think I may have to dive deeper in the search then.
  7. Mine does this but very rarely. What bothers me more is the almost missing firing on startup, for the first 20 seconds. Been told it's a trait of the f4rt engines.
  8. "trait of the f4rt engines." i read that as "fart" engines.. coughs & splutters.. apologies.. toilet humour...
  9. Ahhhhhh that's good to know its not anything major then. Mine does it rarely, just annoying some times.
  10. mine can stutter a little if i set off quickly after starting, can feel a bouncy.

    Who uses the keycard slot! i thought they were all keyless entry / start
  11. Mine did it last year before my battery died
    Changed battery and hasnt done it since
  12. Anyone found more out on this?
  13. Mine hasn't done it since I posted this post, not sure what it was if I am entirely sure.
  14. What fuel are you using?

    These engines don't like cheap low octane fuel when cold. It does make the above symptoms worse.
  15. I have since getting the car only used Shell V-Power and only that I use.
  16. I starting to think it some kind of temperature sensor issue, as with the hot weather this week, its been starting fine and even the kangerooing ive been having has gone and been driving fine from the get go.
  17. Try priming the pump, so turns the ignition on with the keycard first and then start, see if makes a difference
  18. It would be doin it all the time thou wouldnt it? Not when it it colder?
  19. Last wednesday i changed my air inlet temperature sensor, so far, cold starts have been better and no cutting out. But its only been a week. But looking good so far.
  20. The cars still running fine, so it must of been that sensor
  21. What sensor are you referring to?

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  22. Is it the one on the inlet manifold just before the throttle body

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  23. On the 250 its in the intercooler pipe in front of the engine.
  24. Oh ok almost similar setup, boost pressure sensor or map sensor

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  25. Where did you get the sensor from? Mine has similar symptoms...

    Turn it on after leaving it for a decent amount of time (usually the first time it has been started each day) and it revs at around 1200rpm

    Settles down after a minute or so

    If I go to accelerate it needs quite a bit of gas to prevent it spluttering

    It's almost like it thinks it's colder than it is, and acts like a car that has the choke fully open

    Is that the same issue as you've had?
  26. Mine was doing this before I cleaned out the throttlebody, but mines a 225.
  27. I managed to get a second rs monitor, and used it to check the air inlet temperature, as on super hot days it was starting sound. Anyway, on a colder morning (15c) i noticed the air inlet temperature was saying 20c, then when i got it started n it was spluttering, the less than arrow started flickering and then stop on. Bought a sensor of ebay, replace it. Its beem fine since.

    Attached Files:

    Nigelo likes this.
  28. Air inlet temperature sensor. Like this one below, it was a red one the 250.

    Attached Files:

  29. Yip that one mines also red on the 225 but its on the air inlet pipe just before the throttle body

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  30. Yeh i changed mine for a grey one off ebay, about £8ish. It aint done it since
  31. I saw that mine is also grey but it looks worn out I just cleaned it out

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  32. 1825c8e42d19b059df4493f7b49cfbd7.jpg

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  33. Cant see cleaning it making a difference, there wear through old age and heat, so they become slower reacting to temperature change, for the sake of £8 its worth changing.
  34. Lol was just temp I can't leave that hole gaping now, can I?

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  35. Temp solution

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  36. its worth a go, I suppose, looks knackard now thou with the tabs snapped off, mine wouldn't budge either ended breaking it as twisting it out.
  37. Anyone got a link to that part for an RS250?
  38. Had exactly the same issue of and on for months then just before the initial post about this it was doing it every time I started it.swapped sensor like suggested and no more problems and no more fuel smell while stationary

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