Engine mount gone?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by -Jamie-, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Right, Out for a drive earlier and i think something has gone on the Megane:mad:

    Basically, Pulled away with the TC off but didn't launch the car from a standstill, Heavy acceleration through the first 3 gears and there was quite a load bang and some wheelspin/axle tramp as i was changing gears as the road was a bit damp.

    Now theres quite a loud noise and quite a heavy vibration on idle and revving it as if something is touching, At first i thought the exhaust had blown but it doesn't sound like it:confused:

    Anyone got some ideas as to what it may be, Sounds like its going to be expensive. One thing after another on this bloody car
  2. Post a pic of the engine mount on your car mate and folk will let you know.

    its never ending with mine at the moment aswell! Main engine mount is around £70 if its the same as the mk2.
  3. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    I had a look but it doesn't look any different to what i remember, Will get a photo anyway just in case I'm missing something
  4. If the enegine mount is broken, not always u colud c if its gone only by watching the engine bay. It must be pull out to know if there is any damage
  5. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

  6. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

  7. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

  8. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    The engine does have quite a bit of movement when revving but i can't remember how much it did it before
  9. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Actually been reading on the other forum and i think it is actually a broken gearbox mount as there was a couple others with the same issue
  10. Looking a the the 1st in in post #7 you're missing a bolt from the mounting. Probably sheered a bolt!
  11. My r26 vibrates on idle but as soon as reved or driving its smooth I've been led to believe this an engine mount so if yours is similar it could be the case
  12. I think I have a similar issue as something is clattering about underneath the car when you stop suddenly, it's also got quite strong vibrations thro the cabin when idling at traffic lights. I'm talking to the extent that the rear view mirror is visibly vibrating so u can't see in it clearly.

    I've also noticed a juddering noise when changing gear and so I think it's a gear box mount. I've had a word with RST and they consider a mount of some kind. Got it booked in next week so hopefully they can find it. I'll let you know what they say it may be different model but I don't think the engine layout is hugely different.
  13. Mines not that bad but strong idle vibrations no gearbox issues tho I think mine is top mount not had chance to get it checked yet though
  14. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Is that the gearbox mount? If so is it easy enough to change?
  15. Looks like the gearbox mount. Not changed one on the 250 but would have thought it fairly straightforward. Only query is what bolt has sheered off, whether its part in the mounting or one that attaches it to the box. You'd have to think about how to extract it if it sheered off flush or with some left proud?
  16. Too add I can't find a pic of the 250 box but if the mount is the same/similar on R26 then look at this pic

    View attachment 851

    Look a the mount on the far right hand side, you can see the mount that is attached with three bolts then has the large upward bolt that goes through the damper section. Looks like it is this that has broken. Easy to fit new mount just need a jack under gearbox and a few bits removed in bay.

    This obviously relies on the R26 box being mounted in same method?
  17. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    That attachment doesn't work mate
  18. Vibra Technics do an uprated torque link ( lower gearbox ) but the 'common' issue of these breaking is the bracket this mounts on i believe ( or so an Aussie who pictured a broken one highlighted ). I'm sure if that fails there's an issue with the driveshaft rubbing on something from the misalignment of the box making it completely undrivable though?

    Word of warning for those looking into the VT torque link for 250 make sure you buy the updated version as the original batch had too small a bolt hole at the rear so didn't fit.

  19. I had these symptoms on my R26, and the main top mount fixed it straight away, even though the little stabiliser link was also shot. I replaced the stabiliser link later, but the vibration was already cured by the main top mount. Bought all of my mounts from Adam at Renault Wolverhampton.

    The top mount was also causing a slight knock when you opened or closed the throttle at low speed in 1st or 2nd gear, and the knock was worse when the engine was cold.

    Hope this helps.
  20. Cheers Dave what does a mount cost if you don't mind ?
  21. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    it wasn't the bracket, The mount is 2 halfs and Daniel the Aussie guy's one sheared a bolt which looks like the same thing mine has done going by the picture he has sent me
  22. Think I paid about £84 delivered
  23. RSRacing

    RSRacing RSM Trader

    Here we have avaiable the stock mounts but reinforced with polyurethane.

    If anybody need mp.
  24. Cheers mate ill look into it i dint really want uprated mounts as i heard they dont absorb the vibrations enough
  25. Do you have a link?
  26. RSRacing, do you have any pictures?

    And can you do engine mounts for the megane 225?
  27. Was from Ads@Renault - see here: http://www.rsmegane.com/showthread.php?219-Ads-renault

    Part Number R82 00 549 046, but that was for an R26, so others might be different.

    Give Adam a call and tell him the main top mount by the cambelt cover, and he'll know the one.

    P.S. Renault changed all their parts prices in January, so no promises on price...
  28. Cheers I'll check it out.
  29. Got any pictures and prices mate?
  30. your better sticking with standard mounts from what iv heard mate.
    iv just bought a set off ads to fit to my car and there around half the price of the vibratech units.
    also the .R gearbox mount is different and the lower stabiliser mount has changed to a stronger unit...
  31. That tells me there's benefit to fitting an uprated lower stabiliser mount. Poly bushing these alone on the clios is very popular and makes a huge difference.
  32. RSRacing

    RSRacing RSM Trader


    We only have it for the mrs3

    For your car you have the vibratechnics.
  33. Whats different with the mounts Steven? I'm looking at changing all mine on my R26, orht changing to .r mounts?
  34. Jamie, did you solve this?

  35. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    It's the bolt that goes in them, People have been drilling and recapping them to suit an M12 bolt as a preventative measure and the 265 gearbox mount is also updated and a better design to help stop this.
  36. Thanks for the reply. Had a similar situation to yours yesterday. Car suddenly had a heavy vibration, disliked moving off in first and the exhaust seemed louder like it had blown.

    Is is the gearbox mount under the battery?
  37. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Yeah thats the one, I avoided driving mine and got it recovered as i didn't want to damage the Box or Shafts as some people have had either or both damaged when it has went
  38. Wll remove the battery and take a look. Thanks again mate.
  39. Bingo.

    What's the best way of fixing this? Is it a new bolt or new mount? Is there and updated part available?

    Help appreciated, as always.
  40. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Just get the 265 Mount, its an updated part then drill and tap the mount to suit an M12 bolt.

    I have listed the part no's for the 265 mount in a thread started by Odinson IIRC

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