Engine Fusebox

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Mikey225, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. Well today i decided to change over the cracked and damaged fusebox inside the engine bay it went from this


    To This


    But along the way i noticed a few cables and pipes that where just loose and not used just wondering if anyone can shed light on what they are and there purpose? thankyou


    This pipe wasnt connected at either end just loose and went to the passenger arch liner?


    This was in the fusebox with nothing plugged into it at all?



    This one was also just loose in the fusebox and have no idea what they all are?
  2. R26


    Top one should plug in the side of the battery, you should have a small hole in the side for it.

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