Evening gang. Ok, so just started up the car to go to the shop and loads of smoke, injector warning, abs light and spanner light on. Only had car a few weeks so would like to know if injectors, plugs, coil packs or something else? This happened after 300mts driving today but was sound on Thursday on a 30 mile drive when last used. Any information appreciated . Cheers
Any ideas guys? Not had a chance to look at it yet but was hoping someone could give us pointers as to what it may be .thanks
Ok I’ll chuck a new set in and blame you if it doesn’t work ;-) !! Can larger capacity injectors be installed without need for mapping or are they plug and play? Cheers for your input
Ideally you want a code reader on it to see what codes its throwing up. Without that your just guessing.
Yeah do that what joe said ⬆ Without that ure just guessing and could spend ALOT of moneys renewing parts before you find the fault.
Cheers guys. Any ideas on fitting larger injectors as if it turns out they’re the issue, I’d prefer to future proof with lager ones as I’ll be looking to increase the power over time. Thanks again
Ok, so put in fresh plugs, ignition coils and injectors tonight. Car ran ok, but the check emissions light is on now instead of check injection! Double checked everything was plugged back in ok which it was so a bit confused. Going to get a code reader on it, can anyone recommend a Bluetooth and suitable app? Cheers
Ok thanks mate. What’s the difference between the 2 lambda’s and why do you consider it to be the second one if you don’t mind me asking? Am I right in thinking that’ll make the car run rich if it’s at fault? One thing I did notice last night is that the engine around the turbo and down pipe smelt really hot for the short drive I did (over fuelling?) and didn’t boot it at all as was concerned of doing damage. I remember the smell from when my 200sx was being mapped and the manifold was glowing red. I’ve not noticed the smell before but was noticeable in the car and quite strong once bonnet opened. Hope this is all linked!?
Just curious as I’m new to this French stuff but got in the car today to move it on the drive for brake upgrade tomorrow and the fault on dash started off as emissions as per yesterday but quickly changed to abs/esp. This French shit is hilarious, it’s thrown every warning light going at me in the last 2 weeks in about 5 mins of engine running time.
Finally got my obd plug in device today, just connected and details attached. Is this the post cat o2 sensor? Like to get one for the weekend if someone can point me in the right direction as I keep coming across the pre cat one! Should add that the obd is reading a non pass on cat and oxygen sensor.Cheers
Just to update on progress of this, learnt that post and pre cat lambda sensors are the same. Bosch part number is 0258006295, ngk is ngk 0387 Cheapest Bosch I've found is here https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/311972867714 Alternative ngk one here https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/322962379564 Hopefully this helps someone in future and saves them a few quid too.