Dump valve vs blanking plate

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by ghosty0101, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. I've got an r26 which is currently running with a forge dump valve which was fitted by the previous owner. It's quite loud and somewhat annoying because you always get those weird looks from people when you're driving! I was considering fitting a blanking plate because I much prefer the chatter noise. The only thing is that the car has done 50k and I don't want to damage the turbo, as some people say blanking plates do, as I've already spent £1500 fixing the car up in the few months I've had it, and a new turbo wouldn't be a welcome purchase! Any advice on what to do and do they damage the turbo or not? Thanks!
  2. If your worried about damaging the turbo with a blanking plate, fit a forge recirc valve.

    If your running the standard airbox, you will not hear anything with a recirc valve. I'm assuming you are running an atmospheric dump valve at the moment?.
  3. Yeah, I like the sound from the blanking plate, I just don't want to damage the turbo. Does a recirc valve just let the air back into the turbo?
  4. Yeah. There are mixed views on the chatter damaging turbos. It's not something I'd risk personally.
  5. search turbo chatter and youll see previous talked about threads on this. it puts more stress on the bearings but the 1 bar stage 1 map pressure wont be enough to blow it. many people have been fine in running this as have i for 5 months now. just awaiting the funds for the forge recirc tho as i fancy a bit of quiet atm.
  6. Mines had a blanking plate for years, still pulls like a train. It doesn't cause any damage.

    If you want it to be quieter though I warn you it isn't, the chatter is bloody loud.
  7. I'm not worried about loud chatter, I personally like it! It's better than the dump valve! I think they're a bit chavvy personally. My turbo seems to have developed a slight rattle on full boost so I'm worried if the bearings are starting to give, then a blanking plate might kill it! I'll see what's easiest and cheapest etc and give it a go!
  8. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Please don't turn this into a debate about weather or not it will destroy (or not destroy as the case actually is) the standard turbo. It's been discuses many times on here before.

    Blanking plate sound better IMO.
  9. ano what you mean will haha

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