dump valve choice

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by denbers, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. what dump valve is better/nicer noise baleys, forge or a genuine hks?
  2. I have a baleys 1 on my tool box out it on while I cleaned my forge 1 it's not loud compared to the forge as the forge 1 is pretty loud tbh but ur better with a forge recirc valve
  3. Diaphram dump valves are louder than piston ones , but more prone to leaking.

    TBH I would avoid either / both.
  4. I have a bailey on mine the sound is ok would prefer a forge one though
  5. Forge recirc
  6. HKS on mine, sounds shite so leave it off most of the time.
  7. Just a blanking plate and a modded airbox FTW, sounds like I've trapped a pigeon in there :wink:
  8. yeah this is what i have at the moment. just fancied maybe puttin a shut off valve between the dump valve to have either chatter or valve. sounds like a forge one or none to me haha
  9. i have a forge one :smile: got it at FCS 2012 for £90 new :smile:
  10. I have a K-tec one. It sounds quite good tbh. At about 2k it chirps and above that it give a good woosh.

    A friend has a HKS on her stage1 R26 and that sounds good too.
  11. Haha that's the sound I want!
  12. Just out of curiosity what size hose do I need to go from a forge dv into the t piece ? 4mm id 8 mm od ?

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