Dump valve and induction kit

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Steve r26, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. hi all,

    So I’ve got a forge dump valve and a ramair induction kit, I’ve had them both for near on a year. Earlier today for some reason my dump valve doesn’t really seem to be working, it makes some sort of little noise but it’s crap and my induction kit used to make a nice flutter noise but now that makes nothing? It still feels like it’s driving how it should be?.

    If anybody could shed some light on it that would be great.
  2. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    try taking it apart and see if the spring is ok
  3. Yeah I’ve taken it apart and all seems to be fine
  4. What's the hose like to the DV.

    Mine did this a few weeks back, would start as a dump then after about twenty minutes the turbo would start to chatter.

    Turned out the hose was getting hot and soft so was restricting the pressure to the DV.

    New pipe and its sorted now.

    Couple of quid from gsf.
  5. I believe the pipe is fine, thinking about it when I turn my heater on I can smell like gas coming through the vents which started happening when my dump valve and induction kit stopped working?
  6. Are you sure that both springs are fine? I had the small spring snap and got something similar. You'll notice that you are down on power aswell?
  7. Both springs are fine I checked them both

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