R26 Drive shaft boot replacement - mechanic or garage

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Triple J Motorsport, May 14, 2014.

  1. Saw today grease splats on my drivers side front wheel not many luckily but the driveshaft boot has clearly split.

    Is there a garage or mobile mechanic anyone can recommend between Brighton and Gatwick? Can't drive too far or the joint will be f**ked too.

    Just haven't got time to fix it myself at the moment. Also so need the non opening bonnet fixed too, although I may have time to do this.
  2. When you say 'clearly split' do you mean you mean you can see a split, or is it an assumption there is a split in it?

    The securing clip coming off is a very common problem on the drivers side, it can be a quick fix with a zip tie if the later is the case. Hopefully it's just the clip.

  3. Thanks Paul no I haven't seen the split just the escape greased so will check the clips.
  4. Thanks Paul that's all it was metal clip was broken replaced with a tie wrap.
  5. I've recently seen grease splats on the driver wheel. I've looked on the underside but can't see anything obvious. Any clues as to where this boot / clip is??
  6. Take your wheel off and look behind the brake disc you will see a rubber boot there your sounds obvious but the drive shaft is a shaft which runs from your gearbox to spin the wheels
  7. thanks eggcakes- I haven't looked by removing the wheel. Another job for this weekend !
  8. No worries happy to help you wont have to take the wheel off but you can see better if you do

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