R26 Door mirrors gone crazy

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by chris, May 17, 2016.

  1. dobt respond and both just angle up. Not responsive at all. Select left or right mirror and it angles all the way up until max tilt and try's to keep going. Any clues?
    My guess is the switch?
  2. You checked the main loom as it goes into the door mate ?
  3. id say water has got in somewhere, it really is a shit bit of design' as Drew says, check the door loom.
  4. :-( door look has been replaced twice under warranty while I've had the car :-(
  5. could just be dodgy contacts mate / rusty connectors... where the loom couples to the door.... never know your luck !
  6. Diagnosed the problem today.
    Small plastic ball and joint broke. In the switch.
    Will be ordering a new one tomorrow.
  7. Nice one...

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