Door adjust

Discussion in 'Exterior & Bodywork' started by Ashley, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. IMG_6645.JPG IMG_6646.JPG my passenger side door has dropped so it catches the stricker before you close the door fully

    Does anyone know if it can be adjusted ?

    Megane 225 2 door
  2. If you grab hold of the end of the door (handle end) when it is open around 6-12 inches does it move up and down? If it does I would guess that the hinges are worn. If solid then hopefully adjustable, or you could loosen the hinges a bit and lift door and retighten
    Just a guess on my part as never looked at these doors in that way
  3. Thanks for the reply Cazper
    I'm thinking it could be the bottom hinge worn mabye I can't feel or see any movement on the hinge
    The door has been removed recently by previous owner to address the door clicking

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