So I've been driving the car for a bit since mapping and it's pretty good. I have however noticed this sound, it's a bit like a whoooing flutter. I had it before the map but since the map it's a bit louder. I've got a hks bov which I can hear but after the tsss I get this strange bouncy woooing. Also noticeable when the bov doesnt open under a gear change. I had the hks on the car before I had work done and I don't remember this noise. I've got a forge actuator but iirc that makes no change to the sound. Airtec intercooler and forge hard pipes *which are rattling like a sod * Anyway, I'm a bit para about the car lately so if you can tell me if you think it's normal or not that would be great. the video isn't the best but you can hear it, can do better one if needed.
The tsss is definitely louder with higher boost but it's the sound after.. bit like an owl being kicked. doesnt sound like it's coming from the bov either
What system have you got installed; dump valve (atmosphere/turbo), standard turbo? standard IC? EDIT: Also, who did the work on the car?
Cheers guys, but I don't have a recirc tho that's the problem - blanking plate, hybrid, hks ssqv, forge hard pipes (which are shit) and an airtec intercooler. Anyone know how you stop the forge pipe kit from rattling like a sod? I'm guessing forge just removed the brackets after they all started snapping. I've already got areas that are hitting the engine head and starting wear through pipes
Listening again, it does just sound like turbo chatter; gas getting caught up and stalling the compressor blades. It definitely doesn't sound abnormal.