Hi, Don't do many miles but every now and then I go on a long jaunt. My Clio 182's at steady motorway driving on or just under 70 used to do 40 mpg. My R26 would do 38 mpg and my 330i would do 37 mpg....... My E92 M3 would do 28 mpg. These would all drop when you pushed a little harder. Anyway only been on one such jaunt in my Meg 275. Best I was seeing was 33 mpg. Expected to be closer to R26 in steady state cruising?? It is still low miles was on 6k last time now on 8k. I remember when my wife had a sportka. That was horrible on fuel. 32 mpg but as it got over 10k seemed to loosen off & she would then get 36-37. Still poor for performance and weight. So my question is does it improve with miles?
I think mine has loosened up, its on 112k miles, cruising around 80mph i get 31-32mpg, drop it down to 50mph for the road works on the M20 and 25 i got it up to 43mpg, soon sorted that out once i got out of the roadworks
Did a trip the other week. 60-70 mph. fills were calculated via brimming on spread sheet. 35.4 33.4 ( some town work) 36.6 Had a look back at my old stage 1 R26 on similar journey and it was slightly better 1-2 mpg.