Do all Megane 250's have LSD and 'Sport Mode'?

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by Lewis, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. As above please. The one I am buying is FF I believe, as it has the Leather Recaro's but it has a Cup Chassis (Red Brembo's), and it's advertised as having the LSD but I cannot confirm this? Also do they all have the sport button that allows you to adjust it's performance? Thanks lads :smile:
  2. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    If it has the Cup pack or is a cup it will have the LSD. Sport button doesnt adjust its performance either. Just changes the TC/ESP intervention and changes the throttle map making it more sensitive
  3. If it has the Cup pack it will have an LSD. All the cars have a sports button but you can only make adjustments to it if you have the RS Monitor. If you have the RS Monitor your infotainment display will say Renault Sport when you turn the ignition on.
  4. Thanks guys.

    It has the cup pack I believe.

    It doesn't have an RS monitor so will it still say Renault sport when you switch it on?
  5. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    If it doesn't have the RS monitor it won't say Renault Sport, Just Renault.

    Mine never came with one either but i retrofitted it a while back.
  6. Ah gutted! But you can retrofit them that's awesome! How much was that to do and was it a nightmare??
  7. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Good luck finding a Monitor unit to actually fit. I was lucky and picked mine up cheapfrom another forum but a few people have tried to get them through Renault and struggled with the part number not giving them anything. Mine was plug and play but i can't guarantee 100% that they all will.
  8. Oh right thanks dude. So it literally plugs into the existing plug? Surely it would cost a bomb to buy one new from Renault. How much was yours if you don't mind me asking. Do you have a progress thread at all?
  9. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Yup, Went straight in. I paid well under £100 for mine.

    I do have a progress thread but it isn't that updated, Best going through some of my started threads to see any recent progress.
  10. Lucky bastard lol! Ok what's it called as I already tried to find it. What forum did you get it off?
  11. I guess that's when it doesn't have either RS Monitor or sat nav.. mine has sat nav and (obviously) no monitor, and it says Renault Sport when you turn the ignition on..
  12. What does the rs monitor consist of? Just the top of the dash screen? Or are there any other parts required?

  13. Yours is a 265 too with the newer larger display right? The 250 i'm looking at has a normal display.
  14. no, mine is a 250 (as you can see on the left), and old enough to only have either sat nav, rs monitor, or plain display.
  15. Ah sorry I thought it was the 265.
  16. I'm surprised it's just plug and play though. How did you find out?
  17. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    By getting a Monitor and trying it.

    As I said, I'm not guaranteeing they all are. Reports on the European forums that it may need programming to work properly
  18. Is it just top screen you changed jamie?
  19. Lol I see. So it's purely pot luck then.
  20. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    I had a rough idea that it might of needed programmed and how to do so but other than that it was just hope for the best
  21. Pretty lucky then lol! I am seeing if I can get one if I don't find a car with one fitted. I like to know all the possibilities you see. Sorry for all the questions.

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