I've decided to go the route of the DIY filter set up as per http://rsmegane.com/threads/itg-cone-filter-induction-kit.646/ However, has anyone on here tried doing this with a filter other than the ITG as mentioned in the post? The reason i ask is that since the above was created, all the prices have crept up a fair bit - the ITG is now £58, (which is still reasonable) however i would like to hear from anyone who has tried alternatives - Pipercross perhaps (as that's the only other foam filter i can think of off the top of my head)?
I did exactly that with an Apexi induction filter (dry rather than oiled filter). Worked great Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's well worth a consideration. I ordered the bits for the DIY kit then realised is was a pig of a job, so cancelled it and bought a panel filter. However, the company sent the bits anyway, so i now have the option of both (once i buy a filter). Aside for the ITG and Apexi, has anyone done this with any other (either universal/unknown brand or known proven manufacturer?
i've got a pipercross filter on mine, and i've seen a couple of others with pipercross since. Only thing i would say is stay away from cheap 'non branded' ones, people generally seem to go for ITG, Pipercross or RamAir cone filters.
Sounds like a plan; I've always been a bit dubious about cheap non-brand ones in case they disintegrated in use. It seems a Pipercross foam cone with a 75mm OD can be had for £35 from eBay, so that's looking like the route I'll take. Thanks for your help!
just bought the ktec set up..it really is laughable what you get for nearly £200. arrived in a tatty box with 1 piece of bubble wrap round it as well...talk about 100% + mark-up..
Return it to them mate for a full refund... Do it yourself and save half your money.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk