Disks and pads help

Discussion in 'Suspension, Brakes, Wheels & Tyres section' started by Dazman, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. Does anyone know if there is a walk through for changing the front discs and pads on here?
    I changed the rears a couple of months ago following a guide I found but cant seem to find one for the fronts
    I'm mostly worried about getting the pins in/out and making sure the discs don't run out

    Also I'm thinking about painting the exposed part of the rears as they keep going orange, any advice on the best way to do this?

  2. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    Hi Mate
    If the pins have not been removed recently they will probably be seized in, get yourself a set of long parallel punches.
    You will also need some new pins, there is a good chance they will bend when you try to drive them out.

    If they do bend, you will then need to cut them out, cut the pins close to the inside of the caliper, then punch out the outer bit first, then with the parallel punch drive the other bit out, best to leave the caliper on the car but turn the wheels out for better access.
    I used a 4inch disc cutter to cut the pins but you will have to be very careful not to catch the caliper, i used a half worn disc as its a bit more controllable.

    The rest is pretty straight forward, you will also need a 12mm Alan key (caliper bolts) a torx key for the disc retaining screws.
  3. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    They look okay, don't bother with the grease though on the back of the pads, a bit of copper slip on the ends of the pins yes, i have found that the grease melts and runs off, the pads get way hotter if used on track.
  4. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

  5. Crazy how mich cheaper they are though,
    I’ll get everything ordered in and ready for next weekend, hopefully they won’t be too badly seized but the discs are looking worn now so probably haven’t been changed in a while
    I probably wont be using the car for track anytime soon, just road use
    Thanks for all the info mate
  6. The pins from Brakes International are spot on, I have them on mine. Their Pad Goo is basically the same as the Textar/Pagid Ceratec grease
  7. Ah brilliant, I’ve ordered them now so its just waiting till the weekend to get it all sorted
  8. Dazman,
    You should use Mr pinks pins, will never seize and can be removed and reused if required. I've now used them on clios and meganes and wouldn't waste my money on anything else. Ian ( Mr pink ) is a member on this forum.
  9. Have you got torx bits for taking the disc retaining screws off
  10. Yeah i got torx bits
    I’ve already ordered the pins now so prehaps next time? How long do you guys find your brake discs last (road use only) i got vented brembo discs
  11. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    My pins don't seize in, have to change the pads quite regularly, last year i had 4 sets of front pads

    I changed my discs to plain rotors as you can here the cheese grater effect of the grooves when on track and they kill pads
  12. Okay so one of the pins was seized, grinded it close to the caliper and managed to get one sode out but can’t get the back one out, can’t get a dead straight hit on it either which obvs isnt helping, ive drilled slightly into it so the punch can sit on it wothout keep slipping but still won’t budge
  13. ianplymouth

    ianplymouth RSM Club Member

    If you get a long parallel punch, or something similar and put it though the outside hole this will then let you punch it straight.

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