265 Decat + Mid Box Removal

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by OiNK, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Hey,

    Anyone running both a decat and midbox removal?

    What was the outcome? Is it any louder?

    Notice any gains? I am running midbox removal, panel filter and Stage 1 map.

    Would I also need to get it mapped again if I removed the cat?
  2. Yep, definitely get it mapped once you've fitted the decat. Jamie on here is running just over 330bhp iirc with CAI, decat, midbox chop and intercooler.
  3. @-Jamie-
  4. It is louder with the decat but not that much. Power delivery is like night and day, picks up so much faster, full boost as soon as you put the foot down from the bottom of the revs. And yes you can get the map tweaked but it's not essential.
    I'm running decat, supersprint race system and ktec induction.
  5. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    Its noticeably louder and completely changes the tone of the exhaust.

    You'll ideally need a map tweak as it throughs the fuelling off but you can still run it, I ran mine for a year before i got it tweaked
  6. Does it drone on the motorway at cruising speed?
  7. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    It does a bit, Ive learnt to live with it though. Mine makes a lot of noises whilst cruising now with the Light SMF/Uprated mounts etc
  8. I'll go against Jamie's word and say it doesn't drone. There is virtually no noise off mine at 70mph.
  9. What about the sound in general then? Much louder in the cabin?

    Throatier? Deeper?
  10. I'm thinking of setting up my 265 to how yours is now. Do you think its much louder than standard? Does it sound good? Cheers
  11. It's a lot deeper and there is a bit more noise in the cabin obviously, it's hard to give you an idea of how loud it is. It's not intrusive when you're just driving normally, for instance if I have the stereo at level 14 it's barely noticeable and I have a TINY back box. If you have any other system I doubt it would even be as loud as mine due to the bigger back box.
  12. Does it need re mapping after a mid box chop regarding fuelling? I'm sure mine is getting a lot lower MPG since it being done!
  13. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    No, removing the boxes does nothing to the fuelling.

    Your MPG is probably lower because your right foot is likely to be heavier to hear it :wink:
  14. Haha I must admit Jamie l have been properly giving it some. Had the parcel shelf out since having it chopped! Pops a very lot!

    EDIT: I filled it up tonight so put the shelf back in and going to drive it normal now to see. So I'll have my music on a lot more now so I can't hear it.
  15. Is there a spacer on the decats to prevent the EML from coming on? Or what have you guys done to prevent that?
  16. No there's not. You can pick them up cheap on eBay. My light comes on every 2 weeks or so but I just turn it off again. Not really that bothered about it. Will get it mapped out early next year.

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