Decat fitting

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by hazzf1, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Hi all I am attempting to fit my decat on my megane f1 tomorrow and have heard it takes a while :/, basically can someone tell me what exact bits to take off to remove the cat I think it is driveshaft and other little bits ???

    Help would be much appreciated
  2. Found this on the other site hope its of some help
    No "how to guide" but its a challenging job, if you dont have a ramp

    Get the car at a decent height then mate and you might want a friend close by.


    Engine cover
    Turbo heat shield
    Lambda sensors or just unplug both of them.
    Undo 3 bolts at turbo (usually stupidly tight)
    Remove 8mm bolt holding cat to manifold ( very hard to see so might have to feel around)
    remove drivers front wheel
    Split track rod end from hub.
    Undo the 3x13mm bolts holding wishbone to hub.
    Remove vertical drop link
    Remove engine under tray
    Remove subframe crossmember
    Undo driveshaft clamp
    Remove driveshaft
    Remove lower dog bone engine mount and all brackets attached to engine
    Undo some 8mm bolts holding cat to engine, etc
    Undo nuts holding cat to exhaust flexi part
    Undo exhaust clamp and remove front pipe

    Then it should be a lot of wiggling of the cat and a mate rocking the engine to give a bit more space.

    Have fun!!!
  3. Cheers got that mate al have a look and lots of fun haha
  4. Not fitted yet :smile:
  5. Nope attempting tomorrow it only come Monday
  6. Hope your doing it on a 2 poster ramp?
    also found last week that a 3" decat is harder to do than a 2.75" one!

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