265 dead in 3rd

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Mike265cup, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. Just wondering if anyone can shed any light on this, had my 265 for a little while now, its only done 800 miles and I was out today and went to pass a couple cars was in 3rd so pulled out to overtake and the car felt dead like there was no turbo, it happened twice but then it was ok?
  2. Same problem. Mine did it a few weeks back, i can now replicate it. Sit at roughly 30-35mph in third for about 50m then floor it, itll either take off as it should or hesitate as you have said.

    i then found this


    mapping issue, those who have booked in got a new map and it sorted it. I stopped at my dealer the other day and got the tech out with me and he agreed its an issue, just so busy atm i havent had time to book it in!

    hope that helps, let me know how you get on.
  3. Cheers mate much appreciated, I'll pop in and see then today :smile:
  4. Let me know how you get on mate
  5. Tried to replicate the fault this morning but nothing, I'll need to wait until it becomes more frequent or they will just say there is no fault.
  6. Do what i said, 30-35mph in third, sit at a constant speed for a good 50m then foot to the floor.

    i took the tech out and made him drive and we went on a 15min drive and got it to do it a few times, thatll be your best option then they cant say they cant find anything!
  7. I did that this morning a few times and it didn't do it again, I'll need to see how it goes. Such a pain in the ass.
  8. Yer i know what you mean, sometimes its fine and sometimes itll play up, definately a mapping issue all the frenchies with the same problem got it solved with a new map so when i take mine in ill let you know how it goes!
  9. Mines done this a few times....going to try what you said Mike just incase...not worrying me so far but you never know!!
  10. I've now done 1300 miles and I can make the car do it on demand now so im going to phone the dealer in the morning to get it seen to.
  11. How did you get on mate?
  12. Literally havent had the time! So busy since xmas and im on holiday next week then again in feb!

    do really need to find the time... When i do you will be the first to know, if you get in before me tell them its a mapping problem and all the frenchies got it sorted with a new map
  13. Hi,
    yes I have notice the same thing happening to my car too. Driven about 9000 miles. I think it also starts flashing the esp at the same time not sure though. So I have just blamed the esp for wheelspinning and that why it hasn't taken off as it should do.. but I guess it's not the wheel spins..
    Going to have to test it for some more.
  14. So the meg went in on Thursday to see if they could cure the problem, this is after having the service manager out with me and him confirming it's not right. The outcome was: carried out checks for FLAT SPOT (she has no boost in 3rd not a flat spot) when accelerating In 3rd gear from 30mph, tested for faults, none present, road tested vehicle (to the point where I didn't think id make it to the petrol station) slight hesitation felt until turbo kicks in (which it doesn't) , normal operation for turbo vehicles. Handbook also states that full performance cannot be expected until vehicle has done approx 1800 miles (I can read) car has done 1450. Basically they are saying there is a fault (hesitation) which is classed as normal?? Think I'll get on the phone to RUK and go from there? Any ideas?

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