Dan_The_Desmo from The Netherlands

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by Dan_The_Desmo, Jun 3, 2016.

  1. Hi guys,

    My name is Danny and I'm from The Netherlands.
    After driving a Clio 172 for 4 years it was time for something new.
    For a few month's i got myself a Megane 225 [2006] . Absolutely loving it so far!

    ajs225 and sair225 like this.
  2. Hi Danny, welcome along.

    Nice pics - the car looks great.
  3. MBC


    Nice. Looks like a clean car!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Little project i'm working on



    Welded back together and sprayed

    Endcaps not finished yet


  5. Almost finished
  6. dumpvalve arrived

    backing plate


    job done
  7. [​IMG]
    Nigelo likes this.
  8. I like the exhaust mod - very e92 M3, they love covering up the perforated bit inside.

    The end pieces are lovely - id much prefer the trapezoid rs250+ exhaust if instead of a little trim piece and a wonky pipe behind it, it terminated in a chunky piece of machined metal!
  9. New things added to the 225
    Pipercross filter+silicone elbow
    Heko wind deflector

    14-08-2016 trip to the Nurburgring

    Removed "megane emblem" @ the rear
    PeteRS likes this.
  10. Some new picures [thanks to photobucket :rage:]





  11. Phase 2 tail lights

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