R26 Cutting out in the rain

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by SteveBall, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. When driving, either on normal roads or motorways the car will go into limp home mode. The throttle body has been replaced - any ideas?
  2. Get it plugged into a Clip (or a decent fault code reader) and read the error codes! That will give you some indication what is going on :smile:
  3. It went to Renault before and they replaced the throttle body... will see if I can get it clipped.
  4. Been to see Mark Black - my scuttles are clear, and there are some existing codes... these have been cleared so hopefully it's fixed.
  5. Why did Ren change the throttle body? What codes did you get for them to do this?
  6. How did mark clear the scuttle drain ? I'm in the process of doing that right now, as I look at the engine from front of car my left scuttle is completely blocked how do I clear it ???
  7. You need to 'force' something down it, but be careful not to be too rough or you could rip the pipe. I use some flexible nylon airline pipe. It won't go all the way down and out of the bottom though. When I've done this at work I also blow compressed air down the pipre - seems to work quite well.
  8. I use some heavy duty fuel line rubber hose that fits in there fairly tight, then blow through the hose with an airline. You can hear the air coming out when it's clear, but i put a funnel in the pipe and pour water through to be sure.
  9. They were not blocked so just tested by putting water down them. I don't know what codes came up, although there were loads of historic ones which have been cleared. When it went again after the throttle body was replaced, no new codes were available.

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