Confused already !!!

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Jaysport, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. Good evening all, hopefully this is just cause I'm new to renault turbo's and nothing serious , but having recently brought my 05 trophy I havnt had chance to steal it for the wife much , well I finally got hold of it and took it for a drive,
    I have noticed that when I give it some beans there seems to be a lot of what I can only assume is water that sprays all over the back window. ?
    Wipers on floor it again and exactly the same,
    it seems to be running fine and pulls well but it's got me a little confused ,
    has anyone had this or similar before ?
    Cheers jason
  2. Cold night hot exhausts = condensation. 10mins drive it wont do it anymore
  3. Yeah they do it sometimes worse when left a while get water in the exhaust and turns to steam with the exhaust heat i had mine standing for three weeks when i bought it and the first drive i though there was a serious problem i dont know if its bad design or something like that hope this eases your mind
  4. aye nothin to worry bout dude, like mattyw said just condensation in the exhaust. just give it a good blast about :tongueout:
  5. You'll also notice the boot is the dirtiest place on the car, everything from the exhaust seems to collect on there!

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