250 Condensation inside windscreen.

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by gmauluka, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. So my scuttle drains were blocked last week and I've sorted all that out.
    Since then every morning I've been getting into my car to a silly amount of condensation.
    This morning it had frozen over on the inside.
    Does anybody know what might be causing this as i don't fancy scrapping ice off the inside every morning.
  2. Wet carpets ,have you had a look in the floor cubby hole? Mines soaked and causes the inside to freeze up
  3. You may have residual moisture from the blocked drains. Have you checked the carpets / soundproofing foam ?
  4. Ive taken my carpets out while I'm at work, didn't seem too wet, just a bit damp. passenger side cubby hole was fairly wet though. doubt its gonna dry up much in this cold weather!
  5. You could try and stick a dehumidifier in there for a day ?
  6. Yeah gonna try get hold of one tonight and see if that helps
  7. Worked for one night then this morning screen was iced over again on the inside :rage:
  8. Do you think you got rid of the residual moisture inside the car ? If not then you'll still get the issue. If you have then there is still a water ingress somewhere
  9. Nah not that i could find anywhere, matts and cubby hole were fine, screen was dry home driving around last night then this morning whole windscreen was frozen over, got no idea where its coming from
  10. It's worth changing your cabin filter too as they can hold the damp.
  11. +1 on using reusable bag moisture absorber. I tried it before and it work great.
  12. I have a similar issue on my 250.
    Found water in the floor compartment the other day. Dried it out as best I could for now, will pull up the carpet and dry the rest when I get time.

    I'm unsure where the water got in from though? Checked the scuttle drains but they were fine. (Had this issue on my r26)

    My only thought is that the drains had frozen over on the cold weather?

    Any other suggestions??

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