Clutch Pedal

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by F1230BEN, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Hi All,

    1st question on here, hope you guys can help!

    Sometimes, when releasing the clutch, it doesn't always return in full.... as though it is snagging on something.
    I've had a poke around and it looks like there is a "clip" of some sort which holds to the arm of a piston. Its the clip that appears to either be worn or doesn't seem to be holding the piston end securely, so as I press the pedal, the piston moves slightly and the clip catches when the pedal returns.

    Terminology isn't great, so here's a picture.


    as you can see, the clip goes into the groove, but when I press the clutch, the arm moves to the left by a few mm and everything gets caught up.

    Don't suppose there is any easy solution?

  2. Bit more info as I've learnt some terminology...

    Apparently this is the connector between the clutch master cylinder and the clutch pedal.

    It seems that the connector is either worn or fitted incorrectly.

    Is this a case of leave it or replace the master cylinder?
  3. Hi all,

    So i've been doing more research on this as its annoying the hell out of me.

    Pretty certain its not a leak in the system or on the clutch master cylinder.
    Its just catching on the connection between the clutch master cylinder and the clutch pedal.

    Is it possible to replace the clutch master cylinder without bleeding the system? I assume not, but you don't know if you don't ask!

    Also, the connection shown above, does it just unclip from the clutch pedal?


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