Quick question regarding these cheap Chinese Intercoolers for those who have bought them. Do you have to pay any import or customs taxes as it suggests on the ads? If so, how much does it cost? Thanks, Mark
Mine was shipped to Belgium or something first and then to the UK to avoid tax iirc. Contents also listed at a value less then 30USD
All items are liable to VAT + Import duty. VAT is 10% and the particular import duty is 10% You cannot pay duty at source when exporting from a non EU country to a EU country. The method of shipping to an EU country then shipping to you will be family members sending the goods via EMS and then onto you. There is a problem with marking the goods value to $30. If the item is lost or stolen you will only get the $30 back. The safest way financially for you is getting the item shipped from an EU country and marked at full price. Therefore if lost in transit you wont lose any cash.