Chiapoco - Gday from Sydney, Australia

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by chiapoco, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Good day gentlemen. Was redirected here through some dodgey looking email that made its way to my junk folder. Good to know it was a legit invite!

    My ride 'the bee' is a 2012 Renault Megane RS265. A liquid yellow/sirius yellow variant of the 8:08 edition here in Aus. Have had it since October 2012 and is one mighty fun pieace of kit to drive. Looking forward to seeing you all around the forums

    Some pics.

    Wexxy & Bumblebee #8.jpg Bumblebee4.jpg Bumblebee6.jpg Bumblebee7.jpg
  2. Welcome along, looking good
  3. Daz


    Welcome, car looks great!
  4. Great looking car love the colour
  5. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    love it, so many aussies coming over, tis great!
  6. Hi Chiapoco, got the same e-mail as you I think, seen you around the OzRenaultSport site, good to see you hear mate.
  7. Welcome mate
  8. Thanks Dave, are you a regular on OzRs I don't seem to recognise your username. Good to be here nonetheless

    And thanks to everyone else.

    May I ask which country this forum is based on? assuming over on the northern side of the equator! :smiley:
  9. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    Welcome! Car looks stunning.

  10. Only had the 265 for 6 weeks, so I'm a newboy on both forums.

    Think this forum's UK based, but as I'm an exiled Pommie I feel at home :smile:
  11. welcome mate, nice to see they sell the fast colours to Oz as well, :rolleyes:
  12. Welcome bud
  13. Ash87

    Ash87 RSM Moderator

    G'day pal, Meg looks lovely. So tempted to upgrade to a 265!
  14. Nick

    Nick RSM Moderator

  15. Yellow goes fast.. and it pulls the chicks bro. haha

    Thanks for the link Nick, will get some in on there

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