Gave the car a wash this morning and then a quick once over with this stuff (including the wheels), hadn't intended to do a thread or a write up or anything, but finish is absolutely lovely! Had to take a couple of pics on my phone when I got to work tonight.... I quite like some of the Chemical Guys stuff, I know some find it a bit gimmicky, but I'm really impressed with this stuff.
Nice! V7 is on my list to try and it leaves a great finish! Have you tried Done and Dusted yet? that seems to be the QD to go for at the moment, Stunning gloss and decent enough protection for what it is
I use it a lot, as a top up between waxing/sealing. Nice and simple and adds a little extra to the gloss.
I tried V7 after hearing many good reviews last years and to be honest really didn't rate it. Just didn't shine well on liquid yellow.
Yeah not sure about it, used it with the hybrid white, put 2 coats then V7 did look nice but felt the dust stuck to it in the days that followed . Going to try again but with a coat of CC white wax on between.
Needs to try this and bouncers d&d. My fave sealant atm is bsd mixed with odk entourage so slick and ridicolous beading