Check Injection

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Emstan, Jun 30, 2022.

  1. I recently been receiving the 'check injection' warning message which is annoying because the car also loses power when the messages pops. I figure that cylinder #1 was the culprit (intermittently cutting power). When I switch off and restart the car, the error would go away and the car would run just fine.

    I started experiencing this problem after I replaced the exhaust valves that were bent.

    This issue usually occurs when I'm driving around town on low gears (1,2 & 3). At times, the error would not go away even after restarting the car, so when that happens I disconnect the battery and reconnect it and that fixes the problem.

    I recently took it to a mechanic for a scan and it gives the following errors:

    - DF049 Refrigerant sensor circuit, voltage outside tolerance limits (active).
    - DF109 Low fuel misfiring, destructive misfiring.
    - DF038 Computer, Internal Electronic Fault
    - DF078 Motorised throttle control circuit, general motorised throttle control fault.
  2. As no-one has answered you, try the forum on Facebook

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