"Check ESC" light comes on and engine suddenly stops

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Moshe, Jul 16, 2017.

  1. Hey,

    I have 2013 mk3 cup.
    In the last 2 weeks almost every ride with the car, after no more then 3 minutes of driving, the "check esc" message comes on, with the traction control light, and the engine just stops!

    Moat of the times if can immediately just press the "start" button again and continue my ride, but today the car just refused to restart, and the "check ignition" message appeared along with some more weird behavior. Eventually i managed to restart the car and found directly to the garage.

    In the garage they couldn't find anything! No error message appeared in the computer and everything seemed well to them [emoji15]

    They cleaned some old errors logs and sent me on my way. In the evening it happened once again...

    I'm extremely frustrated and worried as I have no idea what to do next, and this is a super dangerous situation!

    Any help will be much appreciated!

  2. This EXACT issue happened to me twice and it had to go into the garage under warranty.

    They diagnosed it as throttle pedal position sensor fault and the engine just goes into safe mode.... But for some reason i didnt believe them
  3. The car isn't in warranty anymore [emoji22]

    Did it fix the issue? Why didn't you believe them?
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2017
  4. It hasn't happened now since xmas now so I assume they did.

    The first time they didn't know what it was so just cleared the fault codes from a previous alternator issue and gave the car back to me. The second time they diagnosed it as the sensor issue, but the symptoms were the same.

    Does the engine completely switch off or does it go into like a limp home mode and runs on 3 cylinders?
  5. It completely switched off, and sometimes I wasn't able to restart it. Just nothing happens when I try.
  6. So now I have ben to 3 garages, still no one knows what it might be.

    One garage suggested I'll clean the throttle body, but wanted wayyy to much for doing so. Do you think it might be related in some way?

    Tried changing the Throttle paddle as Meg16_Beth had the same symptoms and changing it resolved it for him - Didn't work for me - Still happens with the new Throttle paddle sensor and paddle.

    Any help would be very very very much appreciated as I'm lost and really have no faith any more in fixing it...

    One garage suggested it might be connected to the fuse box in some way - WDYT???

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