I've just purchased a pair of genuine Renault R26 drilled rear discs for £112 delivered from Genuine Parts Hub https://genuinepartshub.co.uk/8200650483-new-genuine-renault-part.html Appears to be a great price compared to other suppliers.
Thanks for that, one of mine has a slight amount of play in the bearing I am keeping an eye on. Apparently this could happen at any time from new.
Scrap that After seeing that the order status was still at "processing" I contacted the seller this morning only to be told the parts aren't available via their normal suppliers, however they could get me some via Renault for £172.20 delivered. Order cancelled and will now order some up via Kam Racing
Can you can PM me some details/more info please. I'm up in Newcastle but fairly often work with some colleagues who travel up from Manchester.