265 CD getting stuck

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by SpookyZeus, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Hi,
    I've notice when swapping / scrolling through the various medias, USB to Blutooth and then back to the CD that when i Get back to the CD player it has a habbit of becoming stuck (i can hear the drive trying to play but just sounds like it keeps reading the disk but not playing)
    Sometims it appears to clear itself and seems to reset back to track 1, sometimes i have to eject it and push back in. Not really a huge problem but i just thought i'd ask a few fellow 265 owners if they've noticed the same?
    I should also note i have the Arkamys 3D option installed.


  2. Can't say I've noticed any problems on the 250. To be honest though, I think I've only ever put in a handful of CD's. I tend to play everything off the USB stick instead.

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