Car won't start

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Strell2, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. hello, need some help, my car wont start, its not the battery because all lights are on and i put it on charge over night just to check but it still wont start, all i get is when i press the start button is one click and all lights flash on dash and the car just doesn't do anything? Doesnt even turn car over just one click then nothing

    im thinking it could be the starter motor?
  2. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    Try some jump leads it could be a collapsed cell
  3. will do, trying to get hold of some, can't find mine, if that works will it be fine after the jump or will it need jumping every time until it get replaced?
  4. collapsed cell sounds fairly fatal as far as car batteries go!
  5. so basically if it jumps then go out and get a new battery?
  6. Yep......happened with wifes toyota. New battery fixed it.
  7. shall i just get new bat from halfords or shall go get a different one? if so what shall i get?
  8. Happened to me a few weeks ago. Trip to Halfrauds and a new Bosch 600amp 12v battery fixed it.

    Alas it did cost me £80 as it was on offer. Have a look at Eurocarparts as they have offers on at the moment.
  9. or it could be an engine starter.. refurbished one cost 150, new 360..
  10. hope its just battery
  11. me too

    hi, my r26 seems similar problem. Put the key in press start and all the lights come on for a second and the car makes a click and there's a feint sound of sounds like it trying to turn over but I am not sure. The car automatically makes two more clicks again with the feint sound of turning over.

    The lights seem to be working fine, I would be surprised if it's the battery.

    I will call the AA and keep you informed.
    Lee collins likes this.
  12. Mine was like this the main battery earth wire had corroded and snapped try putting a jump lead from your neg battery terminal to your engine block or gearbox to earth it and then start it if it starts then you need a replacement earth cable
  13. yup. Battery! Not draining properly from the alternator, only 3A.

    The car only had a 390A battery on it, this seemed a bit low. Could not find recommended part anywhere online and needed it done tonight so got a 460A one whacked on there. I have seen people in forums say 600A needed even seen a pic with a guy with a 700A on there.

    Anyone know what is actually suggested? AA guy said 425A suggested in his little yellow book. Hence I thought 460A could handle it ok.
  14. mine is fitted with a 550A if that helps

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