Car choice opinions

Discussion in 'Megane Discussion' started by imprezaworks, May 9, 2019.

  1. Allways fancied one and have the opportunity to buy a moltan fiesta st. So...

    13 plate st with 51k. Stabdard, 7500.
    Mégane R26. Say 6k, can't find one lol.
    Mégane 250, I reckon close to 9k for a good one.

    What would you buy....
  2. I looked at both the ST and the 250.

    ST was 'fun' but the ride was so unbelievably stiff I had to rule it out as I thought my fillings were going to drop out.
    sunnylunn likes this.
  3. RS 250. End of thread
  4. For a nice 250 it's going to be 9k though. That money I would probably spend on a Mk6 gti

    The fiesta that bad? Coming from Clio 182's I expect a hard ride lol
  5. Buy mine.. I'd take silly money for it because it's sat there for 2 months without a sniff of interest :tongueout:
  6. How much is yours.

    Isn't yours at 9 something?
  7. I had a mk5 gti which is pretty much the same car, I found it rather dull.

    MK3s arent very expensive now.
  8. Seen some which needed work at 7 ISH.
  9. Be 250 fwiends
    imprezaworks likes this.
  10. If I could stretch to £9k I’d get a 250 Cup any day, I’d love one
  11. Daz


    Cars will be able to fly by the time you buy one!

    Buy the Fiesta.
  12. 9.5k on eBay. I suspect I'm gonna end up dropping it below 9 to get rid though. Don't really want to, spent a fortune on it, but want to buy a house so...

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