265 Camshaft Sensor

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by alexissmq, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. Hello everyone!

    Long story short, camshaft sensor is dead (2000 RPM max, p0335 fault code)

    I was trying to replace it but i figured out that the sensors came with 3 connectors(3 pins) but i need 2 pins and small coupling.

    Why my car has 2 connectors and other cars have 3 connectors?

    M3RS 265 2012
  2. well.... maybe you bought wrong replacement part or one of your terminals has broken off or......why not ping up a couple of fotos of the original sensor showing connectors, what part number did you use ??
  3. My fault. It is the crank sensor

    No part code is written on the sensor...

    I have the inductive 2-wire sensor. Ordered 2 products (one 3-wire hall sensor and one 2-wire inductive sensor, the problem at the 2-wire sensor is that the clip is too large (32mm depth), i need a sensor with smaller clip. Can i just get a cable/coupling that fits into that clip?

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