Broken clip

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Tact1calB3ard, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. Hiya guys. okay so i managed to fitted my BOV to the R26 today, with much cursing and mashed hands with that bloody recirc valve! i managed to break the clip on this plug in the picture, excuse the cable ties, ive had to bodge it as i need to use it, but first question is what is this plug for, when it falls out it sucks air and the engine revs, and secondly where can i get a replacement?

    stupid clip.jpg

    cheers in advance peeps
  2. Those zip ties you've used will do the job!
    When I bought my trophy 4 yr ago the last owner had done the same and all I done was a range the zips to keep it down and tidy! Been spot on ever since!
    It's very common for the clip to brake!
  3. thanks mate =), yeah was soooooo annoying! was litterally the last thing i had to put in after a good few hours struggling with the rest of it, may order those clips anyways just to be certain, and they look alright too but the ties should do for now, good old cable ties haha
  4. Done this myself a few weeks ago, you will need to buy a whole new vacuum pipe from Renault at £44 job done takes 2min to fit :smiley:
  5. ahhh thats not too bad then, may pop in tomorrow, do they keep these things in stock do you know?
  6. I ordered mine at my local Renault dealership was there for me to collect the next day which was good, if you can get a hold of adam on here sure he could get one for you
  7. great, thanks mate ill get one ordered! is there a specific way that bung actually goes in? im sure it wasnt broken but it wouldnt go in so pushed alittle harder and it broke!
  8. Haha, sounds like me Dan I'm always snapping stuff by over tightening things mate
  9. Just spend £40 on fixing the problem. Much better than cable ties.
  10. Just pushes in pal
  11. cheers guys, yeah id much rather do it properly, well at least not with cable ties anyways, ive ordered some of those forge clamps, at half the price of a replacement part ill see how strong they are at holding the plug in, if they dont work ill get a new OEM part =), cheers peeps
  12. Your welcome and do go and break the new one lol
  13. Markblack@MRS

    Markblack@MRS RSM Trader

    I fitted a set on my meg an they were fine for 2 years

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