Brake fluid

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by ciaran4415, May 2, 2014.

  1. Hi; the break fluid in my Mum's 2011 Megane Coupe has gone down to Min, is it ok for me to top it up my self?

  2. R26


    No, only your mum is allowed.
  3. R26


    On a serious note, yes.

    Use the correct stuff tho.

    I take it the level has dropped due to wearing of the pads? No leaks?
  4. Lol and yeah I presume so, the car is due a service in 1300 miles, it'll be going to Renault but just want it topped up.
  5. Brake fluid is best kept in middle of max and min, and not to the max
  6. Thanks for the advice!
  7. MicKPM

    MicKPM RSM Trader RSM Trader

    Exactly this but if it's dropped that low you may find the brake pads need doing now rather than in 1300miles time.

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