black/gold 225 and 3D glasses weird

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by gjonmat, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. So I was watching a 3D film and just happened to look at my car outside (in daylight) it looked weird so I took the glasses off and put them back on and they filter out the black just leaving the gold, it looks well weird haven't been up close yet and they are the glasses you don't charge up same as cinema ones try it :smile:
  2. I would if I had a black gold megane :worried: sadly, i only have an ultra black one
  3. Try and get a photo lol
  4. Can anyone confirm if the black wing mirrors on the ultra blue 225f1s are black gold before I go and dig the glasses out of the cupboard?
    Or are they just a normal black?
  5. Ash87

    Ash87 RSM Moderator

    try it with liquid yellow :wink:
  6. Will.

    Will. RSM Moderator RSM Moderator

    They do work but you have to wear the glasses back to front due to the shape of the wing mirrors and the way they reflect the light.
  7. My mirrors are black gold, wheels are gloss black. They are standard from my knowledge :smile:.
  8. Gave the car a wash in the sunlight today and noticed this WOW! It really stands out when the light catches it :cool:
  9. Sounds intriguing. Get a piccie through the glasses?

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