Anyone got one lying about ? Bought a set of blades for the 225 today and the 18" doesn't come with a BL-2 connector !? - They assume that the fitting is different even on the Michellin website... ie the standard hook type wiper arm.. I've mailed Michellin but not holding my breath... Cheers Drew
I had the same problem. Where did you buy them from? I got mine off eBay, messaged the seller and they were kind enough to post one out to me. Might be worth a try. Never heard back from Michelin.
Thats where I got them from gents - Costco... 18's dont come with the BL-2 Fitting.... If Michellin dont come back to me I may just have to go but another 24"
Looks like the 16 does mate... why the 18 doesn't is beyond me ! Not even listed as an option on the back of the packaging....
Good old Michelin customer service, sending me an adapter... if anyone else has same issue, simply contact via their website and they'll send one out.. ! Really helpful.