Big Hello from Hong Kong

Discussion in 'New to the Club? Why not introduce yourself?' started by sprint, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Good to be here!

    Ride is an Megane RS 250 Cup bought new in 2011. Have been very happy with the car and probably now's the time for some enhancements:smile:

    Cheers boys and girls!
  2. Welcome!

    There can't be many Meganes in HK! What enhancements you planning on?
  3. Less than 100 but 2 Trophy R's:smile:

    Billie PSS B14 kit and a set of Marchesini wheels:smile:
  4. Welcome mate!

    Pictures of the car?!?! :wink:

    B14 seems like a great choice on the Mk3
  5. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    Welcome along, we really are spreading further afield :smiley:
  6. Hi and welcome mate. Get some pics up of your 250.
  7. Naith

    Naith RSM Admin

    Love to see some pics of the Meg out and about in HK!
  8. Welcome!
  9. Welcome, from mexico
  10. Still trying to work out how to post photos.....
  11. I upload them in my Public Dropbox folder, click 'Copy Public link' and add them here ...
  12. Gavin.

    Gavin. RSM Admin

    I use photobucket, that works fine

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