Best "OBD" app?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by Krissg, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Hi, I have a cheapo OBD11 reader for the meg and just wondered if anyone else has one, what app you run it through? All the free ones iv trialled won't pair with the device. I'm happy to pay for the app but just want to know what works first. Thanks
  2. Torque pro
  3. Is that iPhone or android as I can't find it in apple App Store.
  4. For ios get Rev
  5. Did you get a USB odb reader? BT ones don't work in ios afaik due to the stack being locked down.
  6. Ahhhh damn! Ye I went for a Bluetooth one it was only cheapo tho! Il get a USB one instead!
  7. There are wifi ones available for the iPhone. I bought one for myself a few weeks back, works perfect.
  8. Yes get a wifi obd conecction
  9. Which one did you get?

    Couldn't one for the iPhone

    Cheers John
  10. And which app you used nathdog please?
  11. I'm using dash command. It's not free but it seems pretty good. I haven't got round to trying any others yet though.

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