250 Best airbox/intake mod for 250?

Discussion in 'Mechanical - Engine, Gearbox, Exhaust etc' started by Krissg, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. Hey. Whats the best/most popular mod for intake noise?
    Iv used an ITG on my old R26 but didnt like it that much.
    Not bothered what power it offers, i just want a growl! :smile:
  2. Remove the foam in the intake chamber and add a panel filter, cheap and makes it noisier without being too council.
    Gavin. likes this.
  3. Ye that was my plan...but whats the council option? Haha
  4. I should think if you want one you can hear, you would need something like the ktec one where the filter is located at the back of engine (nearest you) so that you can hear the induction. As some of the others i have looked at move it behind the headlight
  5. I have a KTR induction kit but can barely hear it over my decat, cat back and whining diff/gearbox lol
  6. I have a panel filter and foam removed. for the little money compared to a new induction kit, pretty happy with the results.
    I think theres a thread here where someone have cut the exterior tube from the stock airbox open to let more induction noise??
  7. Ye il just go down the panel route as i swapped my R26 to an ITG one but sounded a bit rubbish.
    I was curious about opening the airbox hole as i had that on the R26 also so curious if its a done thing on a 250?
  8. I know this will create a lot of controversy, but the engine builder/tuner that is soon going to be doing some work on my car said, when asked, that there is absolutely no point in modifying the air-box or fitting an induction kit as the standard air-box is not restrictive one bit. He has done test flows and there was no difference between the air-box being on or off. Now nobody shoot the messenger but I’d rather listen to an engine builder who if he wanted to could’ve charged me for the expense of supplying & fitting an induction kit, he had no reason other than honesty to tell me the standard box is very well designed. He has a big horsepower Megane and, like me, has just a K&N panel filter fitted.
    ianplymouth and Mikeyjp like this.
  9. Mine came with an ITG induction kit on it when I bought it and although I'm not sure I would have forked out for it myself over a panel filter, I absolutely love it. It sounds great and my car seems to have an few extra BHP more than cars on very similar mods.
  10. Noise is always down to individual preference and may be a reason on its own to fit an induction kit, but apparently according to the experts (Engine Dynamics) there is no performance gain to be had from removing the standard air box.

    This was always the case in the past on VAG’s.
    Toplad likes this.
  11. I fitted a Ramair cone, just for the added noise. Stock airbox seems like a proper setup, no obvious restrictions as I've seen on other cars and plastic is a good heat insulator.
  12. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- RSM Moderator

    While that may be true for "basic" spec ones, Ie just a map. Once you start pushing higher figures the airbox is a restriction
  13. 16880832_1323009851070974_1111329809_o.jpg
    KillieRs, ting_tong and Bumblebee like this.
  14. Like I said his car was big horsepower and he found no advantage in physically removing the air box, therefore it is not restrictive at all. Apparently, just don't shoot the messenger.
  15. Mine was already fitted when I bought my car.

    Doubt I'd buy one if it wasn't
  16. I have no Idea.

    I saw it on Facebook.
    But looks great....
  17. Now this comment will be controversial, but read again what he said..

    "Hey. Whats the best/most popular mod for intake noise?
    Iv used an ITG on my old R26 but didnt like it that much.
    Not bothered what power it offers, i just want a growl! :smile:'
  18. I was the seventh responder and not nessessarily responding to the first post, was just a FYI.

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