Back box chop pipe - Megane 250/265

Discussion in 'Wanted' started by wickett11, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Hi all,
    After a back box delete pipe, either custom or Gt performances not too fussed :smile:
  2. eBay for £170 and delivery is under a week from France.
  3. £170 :\ ......
  4. Mine is going off next week. You can have it
  5. Yeah I know it's up for 170 new, but I didn't want to pay that much because if I decide I want a full system later on I haven't spent too much :smile: nice one tieman, let me know when it's off :smiley:
  6. I've had both the back box chop and then moved onto a full stainless. The box chop is louder and sounds better so I wouldn't bother changing, wasted a bit if money to be honest.
  7. I wan't less noice. I let you know!
  8. Haha that's fine, I've gone from a very loud clio to the Megane so want something in between :smile:
  9. Just get the midbox chop, its alot cheaper.
  10. Yeah I know it's cheaper but I want to see what the back box chop sounds like in comparison, on some videos the back box chop sounds better and crackles more :smile:
  11. Plus it's quite common the midbox chop, be nice to see if the back box is different in anyway

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