250 cup needs doing 5years old only 32000 on clock but aux belt is well worn, don't think it's ever been done to be honest so getting them done at the same time on Mon ,,£440 all in Inc fitting is this a good price??
The official maintenance schedule says 6 years here for belt change, or 120.000km (+-75k miles). How can the belt be badly worn??
It's the aux belt that is well worn cos that should be done every 2years and mine never has. If that goes will prob rip through cam and result in a knackered engine so with it being over 5yrs now I'm killing 2birds with 1stone
Hard to tell from that pic but doesnt look worn to my eye ??? 6years or 75k miles on both belts and tensioners see here http://www.rsmegane.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1353&d=1407571476 Pretty good price K-tec charge £490 inclusive for the same job
If you think they need changing because they are worn or noisy, change them, you will be happier knowing they are done and there will be no niggling thoughts at the back of your mind when you are ragging your motor.