I've just pre-ordered the PS4, Really looking forward to playing next gen. Apparently the Playstation is outselling the xbox ten fold? What Games are you all looking forward to? I cant wait to play Watchdogs, driveclub looks good too
I pre-ordered an Xbox One when I found out they were available to reserve. I think the Xbox has caught up now it's gone back to a more traditional way of buying games. To be fair the PS3 outshone the 360 for a good while but overall the 360 teared the PS3 a new one! It might be reversed this time round but I've never fancied a Playstation since I had my PS2 for some reason.
I wonder if people are still stuck on the fact that the Xbox would need a permanent connection to the internet and wouldn't be able to play secondhand games, even though they've now backed down from that position?
PlayStation all the way for me ... Since Microsoft done the u turn the Xbox does look a bit more attractive but Sony has won on price and philosophy. I want a games machine for a hardcore game player, that means I don’t need Kinect or Move. Battlefield 4 Watchdog The only problem I foresee is when the titles are out on both old and new platforms and your mates have a mixture of console platforms, which game version do you buy?
I hardly understand all the fuss about the permanent internet connection, nowadays just about everyone has wireless internet and my xbox has been permanently connected since the day I bought it. I suppose if you don't have internet then you are stuffed, but I would've thought that was pretty rare now :/
Very true but it was how it was perceived - example Mr & Mrs X want to buy a Xbox for little tommy upstairs, the xbox will go upstairs and the internet connection is downstairs. (maybe they're not aware of wireless connections & homeplugs, maybe they don't want the additional cost or the kid going online) I know the US military kicked off about it to, none of the personel would be able to use when station abroad?
I will look at ordering a PS4 tomorrow (I have a day off) MW4, I hope will be on the new platform! and of course GT6..
Been a ps fanboy all my life but my ps3 is slowly dying and i may be tempted to change to the xbox this time. Most my mates made the transition to the 360 so online game play isnt as fun now on my own lol
I pre ordered the ps4, mainly down to the fact ive always had playstations from day 1. Never been a fan of the xbox and I wasnt impressed with the whole no second hand games etc.
Was just thinking about this. My PS4 dies a few months ago and I stopped the urge to replace it. Where is everyone pre-ordering from? Are you getting guaranteed launch date delivery or collection? Any good launch day bundles about? Im really looking forward to getting my hands on one. Haven't played any type of computer game in months!
I went to Grainger games.... Traded in the old ps3- It was one of the original 60gb ones with backwards capability etc. They offered me £55 at first but I knew they price matched. I got them to offer the cex (for credit) price which was £104. With a couple of games thrown in I managed to get £130 towards the new console. Thought that might help if anyone is going to trade their old console.
^^^ cheers for this, might preorder myself one now. Got an original 60gb which I could chop in, I'll keep the slim one
I thought those original backward compatible PS3's were worth a fair few quid? My brothers always bleating on about it!
Being a more mature gamer :-) I have had at least 3 of each consol in my time buy one get board gt5 comes out get another not as good as forza sell it again Wii was for the kids hell I had 4 working rigged up Xbox in most rooms at one point how many can say they used to play cod2 yes cod2 not mw2 it was great before kids got a grip of it then it got silly too may kids and idiots on, anyhow off topic I will preorder Xbox have not yet but will, Ps I got a windows phone at launch to get Xbox on it :-) My 2p worth John.
Put my ps4 pre order in at TESCO, would only trust a big place like them. Wouldn't trust a place like Game.
I have to wait until January to buy because I'm working out the country until then! I'm torn at the moment, I did pre order xbox but cancelled it because I wouldn't be here for the release date!
Pre ordered the PS4 myself, i've always be easy on which console I go with. My choice this time was swung by what all my gaming mates are going for.
PS4 all the way for me, drive club looks amazing, FIFA 14 is also coming out next Gen should be mega.
I will get a next gen console at some point, but until I see a 'killer app' game I'm in no rush. Far more excited about GTA V When I do buy, it will more than likely be Xbox simply down to the controller. I have had a PS1 & PS2, but to my mind the MS controller is miles better - makes so much difference. When Xbox One was announced with all the apparent shortcomings, I really didn't think any of them were bad. Internet connection I always have and I never bother with 2nd hand games. Only the price being $100 more had me thinking.
Lucky bugga... I want them but can't afford them yet maybe next year.. and I'd probably get both lol... love forza games and I prefer PS for free online gaming lol ...currently addicted to gta online which is surprisingly fun!!
I'll be getting the PS4 for sure, hope sony step it up this time as i cant help feel microsoft have been shooting at their own feet. mad how I've had my PS3 6 years now and its still cutting edge. My son will still be using my PS4 when he's like ten if the trend continues!
Would go for xbox1 personally think there online servers will be better. PS3 servers crashed all the time. Looking forward for BF4, Forza 5 and halo 4. not ordered one tho...yet...£400+ Is quite steep at the min. It's either the next gen console or stage 1 remap..... Decisions decisions
PS4 online and having to pay needs a little clearing up, from what i hear its much like the same as the PS3. Some games will be free to play, an example being sonys MMO DC online, i would assume another example being Call of duty being free. Developers can charge like on the PS3 but they dont. All a tad strange and needs more explaining by sony.
well been playing forza 5 and have to say WOW!!!! the graphics are just imense and the feedback from the controller is spot on you can feel the tyres slipping and the brakes grabbing and modulate to get back in shape
PS4 paid for, collecting Friday morning. Not sure i'm geeky enough for a midnight collection... but then again...
Didn't pre order, but hoping January sales may yield some form of discount! Definitely Xbox one though for forza and the whole 'Xbox on' chat!!
My xbox kinect bar is already broke lol - waiting for a replacement! There's been reports of issues with the day one kinect bars so in theory any from now on will be ok.
Not sure what to make of the PS4 really.... Think I have to say I can clearly see the potential of it, but with the lack of launch titles and limits of its OS it currently isn’t anything special. Two points personally grate the most: I still have to use my PS3 for a 3D blu ray player and I still have to use my PS3 if I want to play Call of Duty with wireless Bluetooth chat, what part of that makes the PS4 the next gen? Down side of being an early adopter I guess but a fully expect the games of the future to prove the system.