Anyone know what this cable is for?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Interior - Security, ICE, Wiring Loom' started by TurboFlorio, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Hello,
    I recently got a megane rs rb8, while transporting something with the seats flat, I found a lose connecter and something else under the seats/floor.
    Any of you know what it is for?
    f28adeb19edb774094e3d5c79d7234b1.jpg 7fb41d3084edfc70e5e63d1164e25e83.jpg 854860cfaf723fa4215c84bafe4cfcd4.jpg
  2. Maybe tyre pressure gauge with the Continental logo?
  3. That is the acceleration sensor for ABS/ESP.

  4. matt e

    matt e South East RSM Area Rep

    does it have keyless entry?
  5. Yes its keyless, I cant find the tyre pressure monitors in the menu's so either I dont have them or they were removed? So the lose connecter might be for tyre pressure and the white one for abs/esp? Maybe I'll retrofit the TPM if possible
  6. R26


    Has it got sat nav?
  7. Those are for the tyre pressure sensors.

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