Oops https://www.facebook.com/tombrentna...16479/10156347966623729/?type=2&theater&ifg=1 not sure if this link will work as it seems to take a while to load but you can see it on the track time FB page with quite a few comments about track etiquette
It was a shit move and ive heard he did it all day. But i do think its gone over the top! It doesnt matter who it is (bloke is a weird chap) But i dont understand why you video it and then post it online after the day. If you have a problem with someones reckless driving on track wouldn't it make sense to go have a quiet word in the pits? Like jeez you guys you should do a motorbike track day! If people got as upset as the car drivers did there would be a punch up at every corner
Yeah it is a bit out of control. The OP did say it wasn't a witchhunt, hard to know it would turn into such s sh1tstorm..